10.06.2016 11:41
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JSC Bank "PSCB": comprehensives set of services for companies engaged in foreign trade

We offer something that is beneficial to You.

JSC Bank "PSCB" (PSCB) is a strategic partner of companies involved in foreign trade, offering attractive prices and comprehensive service to its customers.

Our strengths:

1. Fixed fee charged for payment orders in foreign currencies;

2. Trade finance services;

3. "Currency Online" - convenient online tool for currency conversion;

4. Provision of customs cards and customs guarantees;

5. Expeditious processing of transactions certificates and efficient settlements;

6. Customer-oriented approach.

The Bank carries out settlements in major world currencies, as well as in Chinese Yuans (RMB), British pounds, Belarusian roubles, Kazakh tenges and Indian rupees. Import transactions from the CIS countries, Europe, Asia, North and South America can be financed if they are secured with bank guarantees (LG) or involve settlements in the form of documentary Letters of Credit (LC). PSCB provides a complete range of LC and LG related services in domestic and international markets, applying both standard and sophisticated schemes.

Our qualified specialists are always ready to assist you in structuring your foreign trade transaction, in drafting the article of your contract, describing the required type of underlying settlements. You will be able to consult us regarding the optimum form of settlements and financing, currency legislation issues, customs payments and nuances of LC transactions.

Our official website provides detailed information on the proposed services, existing tariffs and possible "Currency Online" connectivity and implementation options of.

PSCB - a universal commercial Bank headquartered in Saint-Petersburg has been operating In the banking services market since 1993. The bank holds General License No. 2551, the bank is a participant of the state Deposit Insurance System of the Russian Federation.

On December 16, 2015 PSCB was awarded the certificate “Regional bank – a leader in the Yuan trading” by the Moscow Stock Exchange. PSCB has been providing RMB trans-border payment services since 2010, when it became one of the first Russian banks in Saint-Petersburg and the North-Western Federal district, offering payments in this currency. Now PSCB is one of the few regional banks specializing in international payments in RMB, providing services to their clients showing with substantial turnover and trading with counterparties in the People’s Republic of China.

On February 17, 2016 the international rating agency Moody’s Investors Service affirmed the Bank’s global and national ratings at B2/NP/Baa1.ru., the outlook for all ratings is "stable". The Bank's auditor is Ernst & Young LLC.


Nikolay A. Alekseev

Deputy Chairman of Management Board

Founder International Business Development & E-Commerce

Ньюсмейкер: Петербургский социальный коммерческий банк — 49 публикаций


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